erika noble

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PCT Day 16

5.30.22 || PCT Day 16: 273.0 - 298.5 miles

tldr; shady rim trail, šŸ˜powdered lemonade, Deep Creek

Went from the worst night of sleep to the absolute best. No wind last night šŸ™šŸ¼ Nothing major happened today, we just hiked around the lake and started our descent toward Cajon Pass. Lots of day hikers out because of the long weekend. Everyone thinks my sun hoodie and Tylerā€™s safari hat are so funny but they just donā€™t get how much sun we get. :) 

Found some powdered lemonade at a trail magic cooler. I can tell Iā€™m so hungry because it tasted amazing. Passed Brett and Matt again today. Matt had attempted his yearly Memorial Day  ā€œbeer mileā€ at the high school but it was an epic failure because the track was locked for graduation. He just ended up chugging his beers and hiking. So it was a slow day for him haha 

Followed a creek for most of the day so we didnā€™t have to carry more than a liter at a time. Such a difference to not have to carry all our water for the whole day. Overall is was a pretty nice day ā€” shady and mostly downhill. Camped underneath a bridge at Deep Creek. And there was actually enough water to swim and take a creek shower.