PCT Days 12-13

5.26.22 & 5.27.22 || Day 12 (zero) & Day 13 209.5 - 235.5 miles

To hikers posing for a photo just past I-10 near the trail to Whitewater River.

tldr; took our first zero, the biggest river crossing in SoCal, followed Mission Creek up to Big Bear

Woke up in a real bed for the first time in a week and a half. Thought I’d slept in late but it was 6:30. 🙃 Circadian rhythm reset. We spent most of the day at home resupplying, drinking coffee, eating so much food, and catching my parents up on the first 10 days. Luckily my stomach calmed down and I could est as much as I wanted. 

We did a pack shakedown and left some gear at my parent’s — Tyler’s camera gear (gonna use his iPhone instead), our second external battery, some toiletries, some warm layers, and my Kindle. I thought I would have so much time to read but I think I’ve read two pages the whole time. Not worth the weight. Swapped for a paperback that I’ll tear apart as I read it. 

The sandy banks of the Whitewater river with Mt. San Jacinto in the background.

Whitewater River, CA

The next morning, my parents drove us back to where they’d picked us up and we set off towards Whitewater. I was really sad to leave — not only because I desperately miss civilization and showers, but it was nice to be home and not be working. Felt like summer vacation. 

Wooden trail maker for the PCT North

We ate breakfast burritos my mom had packed and went the 10 miles to Whitewater River, the biggest river crossing in SoCal. It wasn’t big at all — still amazing to see that much water in the desert though. The rest of the day was hot and long. Hit Mission Creek and had a long lunch with a bunch of other hikers before we kept going. 

I was so tired and depleted that I ate all my best snacks (wafers and cheese whisps) in the last few miles because my “blood sugar was low” (aka I needed something to distract me.) Longest day yet at 26 miles. Tomorrow we’re back in the pine forest! 


PCT Day 14


PCT Day 11